Guard Your Heart

It is crucial that you guard your heart, since everything you care about flows from it. When you guard your heart, you also guard your life, your actions, your attitudes, and more importantly, your thoughts. You are responsible for guarding your heart, since it affects your relationships. Although we protect the things and people we love and value, we do not protect OUR Hearts, leaving them open to our daily issues, allowing them to be a source of wounding. It is not uncommon for people who have been hurt to keep their pain bottled up in their hearts, so they do not have to deal with it. As a result, others around them are forced to pay the price for their unresolved pain.

It is essential that you let go of painful and hurtful things that hold you back. Because storing your issues can make us spiritually sick, and our relationships will become toxic, and explains why some of our relationships are unhealthy.

What’s worse than being hurt to the point that you crave not to feel the pain any longer? In my opinion, is not trusting and believing God enough to take the pain away. Sometimes we act as if God doesn’t notice what’s going on in our lives. But if you can’t surrender and give your issue to God you will feel the consequences and struggle longer than you need to. Trust God with your heart because He can truly heal you. The Bible says to cast your cares on him. If God says it, the only thing that will prevent you from receiving healing is either you will not give it to him, or your belief is not that He is a God of His Word.

The pain of abuse, rejection, betrayal, or another failed relationship. Life’s issues come so fast and in so many forms that we learn to build walls of protection, and as a result, you cannot feel the love of others or the grace of God. By asking the Holy Spirit to assist you in resolving your heart’s issues you can protect your heart from hardness. Many people die with their secrets, unable to live the authentic life they deserve due to trying to be what others want them to be or what they saw growing up and convinced themselves it was okay. No one is going to fight harder for you than you, learn to live your authentic life and invest time in authentic relationships with people who care about you, want the best for you and who will put you first.

As you reflect, I want to challenge you.

  • Think about who God expects you to forgive.
  • Give God the broken pieces and watch how it will change your life.

Whether it’s the people we love, the places we’ve been, or our precious memories, life’s too short and your time however you use it is nonrefundable. Live in the moment with gratitude and appreciation because today is the gift and tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

The month of February is Heart month, and I want to encourage you to not only take care of your physical heart but also your spiritual heart. Guarding your heart is your responsibility, Self-care and self-love should be your priority.

Proverbs 4:23 (God’s Word translation) 23 Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.

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